Find Freedom from Chronic Pain

Work with us 1:1 in our Pain to Purpose Chronic Pain Transformation Program

We help empaths, perfectionists, self-aware and self-critical adults overcome chronic pain, reclaim their vitality and align with their purpose for a life of fulfillment.

Together in weekly meetings and daily action check-ins, we dive deep to understand your pain and develop strategies to help you overcome chronic pain and get back to the things that matter most to you. Our approach includes a range of evidence-based techniques based on pain neuroscience, including cognitive-behavioral tools, pain reprocessing therapy, and somatic work.

Is This You?

Big Dreams and Goals, Highly Self-Aware, Yet Unclear on How to Break Free from Chronic Pain, Fear, and Worry

Where you are: Do you find that chronic pain has become an unwelcome companion, influencing your self-perception, your relationships, and your ability to engage fully in life? You may feel that chronic pain has created a sheltered and limited existence, leaving you frustrated and seeking a path to freedom. You may also feel frustrated with doctors or others who don’t understand what it’s like to live with chronic pain, because chronic pain is such an invisible illness. You may long to be able to go out with others without the fear and anxiety of pain coming on, and without the burden of having to have specific accommodations made.

Where you would like to be: You dream of a life where you are free of the constraints of chronic pain. You wish for peace, freedom, vitality as your constant companions, enriching your relationships, bolstering your self-perception, and enhancing your engagement with life. Rooted in both physical and emotional wellness, you are eager to cultivate a vibrant and expansive existence, free from the sheltered and restricted life imposed by chronic pain, and instead filled with opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

  • You have immense inner strength and a high capacity to navigate internal challenges, yet chronic pain remains a persistent barrier to the fulfillment you desire.

  • You aspire to break free from the limitations imposed by chronic pain, understanding that true freedom requires an internal transformation.

  • You dream of breaking free, but you know some changes need to be made before you can experience a life without the constant weight of pain.

  • You believe there's a different approach to healing, one that goes beyond mere symptom management, and you want to shift the dynamics in how you perceive and experience your body.

  • You are a resilient individual seeking a holistic approach to break free from chronic pain and rediscover a life of joy and fulfillment.

You may also find yourself dreaming of:

  • Empowered Self-Acceptance: You desire a mindset filled with self-affirming thoughts, lifting you up and empowering you through positive internal dialogue.

  • Confident Expression of Needs: Expressing your needs with confidence and ease is your goal, breaking free from the constraints of people-pleasing tendencies. You seek to assert yourself without fear of burdening others.

  • Fearless Exploration and Activities: Break free from anxiety and fear, desiring the ability to explore life fearlessly, engaging in activities without mental limitations or worries about the impact on your pain.

  • Positive Impact and Connection: Instead of worrying about the negative impact of your pain on others, your desire is to create positive connections and meaningful impacts, fostering joy and understanding in your relationships.

  • Freedom and Boundless Possibilities: You aspire to liberate yourself from the guilt associated with limitations, yearning for the freedom to explore endless possibilities and embrace a life without constraints.

  • Understanding and Validation: Your desire is to be understood and validated by others, especially by your medical team. You seek acknowledgment for the reality of your pain, without facing unwarranted doubts or dismissals.

  • Joyful Pursuit of Your Potential: Your aspiration is to pursue excellence joyfully, embracing the journey without the weight of perfectionism. You seek fulfillment without the burden of unreachable expectations.

  • Mental Resilience and Clarity: Replace mental exhaustion with mental resilience and clarity. You long for a mindset free from constant worry about the impact of situations on your pain, enabling you to approach life with energy and focus.

The Problem We Help You Solve

Transforming Pain and Rediscovering Purpose

In our journey together, we'll approach chronic pain from multiple angles. One of the most important things we will do is reduce the fear and anxiety around chronic pain. We will dive into the science of pain, and understand how fear, worry, and frustration are the fuel that drives chronic pain. There are a number of science-backed tools we can use to help change your perception and your relationship with pain.

In addition, in order to heal, it is important that we befriend our bodies. Instead of seeing pain as an enemy or as our body betraying us, we'll learn to understand that pain is our body's way of alerting us that something is wrong and trying to protect us. In fact, pain can hold valuable lessons for us. Through evidence based somatic tools, we will help you feel more safety in your own body.

By approaching pain reduction from cognitive, behavioral, and somatic techniques, we will help you transform your relationship with pain. Throughout this process, we'll uncover opportunities for insights, learning, and growth amidst the challenges of chronic pain. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, we'll embrace these moments as chances for self-discovery, understanding, and personal development. We will be there with you throughout this journey for support.

Through our collaboration, you will learn pain reduction techniques rooted in neuroscience, helping you understand the root causes of your pain and offering practical strategies to manage it. Together, we'll empower you to take control of your health and well-being, fostering a sense of confidence and optimism along the way.

With each step forward, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your body, and your brain, equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate your journey with resilience and strength.

Solutions Offered:

Here's how we navigate this transformative journey:

  • Understanding Pain: Learn about the root causes of chronic pain based on recent findings in neuroscience, empowering you with knowledge and dispelling misconceptions.

  • Befriending Inner Struggles: Instead of resisting inner aspects of fear and uncertainty, we embark on a journey to befriend them. This fosters warm acceptance, leading to permanent transformation and healing of your nervous system.

  • Transforming Internal World: Shift your perspective on pain from a battle you must fight to your body and brain's way of protecting you and trying to keep you safe from harm (whether it be physical, mental, or emotional harm). By befriending your body and mind, you can create the conditions for lasting transformation.

Potential Outcomes:

Upon completing this transformative journey, you can anticipate:

  • Tools for Self-Love: Acquire the tools needed to love and accept yourself fully.

  • Increased Energy and Confidence: Experience a significant boost in energy, confidence, and fearlessness.

  • Pain Reduction/ Reduced Fear of Pain: Navigate life with ease, reduced fear of pain, heightened confidence, and inner peace.

  • Freedom from Fear and Anxiety: Break free from chronic fear and worry, fostering a deep inner knowing that you are SAFE.

🌟 Would you like to learn more or begin your Pain to Purpose Transformation?

  • Schedule a free Discovery Call here, where we can talk about your unique pain story and potential solutions. You can also request more information about the program by clicking here.

How Do We Make This Happen?

1️⃣ What is Your Pain to Purpose Story?

Making Space for Your Transformation and Owning the Truth of Your Healing Journey.

  • You might have tried everything, and think that chronic pain is something you have to endure without relief.

  • You might be afraid that true healing is unattainable. We will discuss the recent discoveries showing that healing is possible.

  • We create a space where you can feel safe and where we understand that your pain is real. We provide space and acknowledgement of the incredible difficulty of dealing with pain on a day to day basis, when it can seem invisible to others. We allow exploration of the complete truth of your pain, so that we can develop your healing journey.

  • What is the truth of your Pain to Purpose story? What will be possible for you when you break free from chronic pain and rediscover your purpose and joy? We will take small, achievable steps each week that will allow you to reach your larger goals.

2️⃣ Do You Have Any Resistance?

Identifying and Transforming Parts Invested in Chronic Pain.

  • Chronic pain has become a familiar state for your unconscious, maintaining patterns of thinking and familiar behaviors.

  • Our task is to befriend the unconscious parts of you invested in the persistence of chronic pain and invite them on the journey of transformation.

  • Even when change is good, and it’s something you want, there can be challenges in adopting new behaviors because they are unfamiliar to your brain, and your brain loves certainty. Oftentimes your brain would prefer the devil you know over the devil you don’t know. Together we can recognize any resistance from your unconscious, and determine ways to make change easier and more attainable.

  • It is normal to feel like your body has betrayed you, and it can be difficult at first to befriend your body when you are in constant pain. It is very normal and common to struggle with this. We can work slowly to understand pain, and help you move to a place where you can begin to befriend your body, and view your pain as your body’s way of trying to protect you and keep you alive. 

  • Together we can unlock the messages that your body is trying to communicate to you by turning chronic pain, and identify any sources of fear, anxiety, or unmet needs. This knowledge will aid us in understanding and overcoming resistance as it comes up.

3️⃣ Designing Your Transformation

Crafting a Personalized Plan for Change and Freedom.

  • Recognizing that it is possible for you to break free from chronic pain, we develop a plan for transformation, setting the stage for your journey.

  • We dive deep into what works for you, specifically, and craft a personalized plan that will allow you to heal and grow.

  • We will create your “pain prescription”, which might include a combination of elements such as pain education, evidence building, nervous system regulation, acknowledgement, changes in self-talk, self-care, support, movement, somatic work, and more.

  • Taking consistent, small actions becomes the vehicle for transformation, allowing you to change the impact of chronic pain on your life.

  • Each week, we learn and gain deeper insights into your personal needs and path to healing, and adjust the course of action as needed.

What You Get

In our work together, you will gain:

  • Transforming Chronic Pain: Learn a number of evidence based techniques and tools that are scientifically proven to reduce chronic pain. We will also explore, identify, and treat the root cause of your pain, providing you long lasting tools for relief.

  • Befriend your Body and your Mind: Learn to befriend your body and be free from feeling like you are in a constant battle.

  • Overcoming Self-Criticism: Our methodology empowers you to silence the inner critic, fostering self-compassion and acceptance.

  • Resolving Perfectionism: We guide you in navigating perfectionist tendencies, allowing you to embrace imperfections and find peace in authenticity.

  • Breaking Free from People-Pleasing: Our approach supports you in establishing healthy boundaries, freeing you from the shackles of constant people-pleasing.

  • Managing Anxiety and Fear: Through targeted techniques, we assist you in addressing and alleviating anxiety and fear, paving the way for a more serene existence.

This is just the beginning of your journey towards a pain-free, fulfilling future. To learn more, book a free Discovery Call or request more information here.

The Details

Expert Framework Details:

✅ The program consists of 4 x 50 minute sessions per month, for two or three months total (8 or 12 total sessions). 

✅  One additional bonus 15 minute call is included. 

✅ Text and voice messaging support are available in between sessions. This is where you can share your wins and insights, find support if your are struggling, ask questions as you move through the program, and check in on daily goals and action steps. Text and voice messaging is available 6 days a week. Email can be used as well if preferred. 

✅ Personalized Resources will be provided, including journaling prompts, worksheets, guided meditations, guided visualizations, somatic practices, and more.  

To learn more about the program and our expert framework please reach out for a free Discovery Call, or request more information here.